Chic holiday packing – so long, farewell…

By |2014-07-30T15:21:54+01:00July 30th, 2014|Categories: Family, Style|Tags: , , , , , , , |

At last it's holiday time in the midlifechic house. As usual my list of things to do is so long that I keep sitting down with a cup of tea and wishing we weren't going but I don't really mean it. Of course it hasn't helped that the younger boys have been floored with a stomach bug which means I'm running on very little sleep. I think it's been a karmic response to last week's wanting to feel needed again. [...]

The end of days – leaving primary school

By |2018-07-30T16:21:09+01:00July 25th, 2014|Categories: Family, Style|Tags: , , , , |

So here we are, it's all over. The celebrations, the tearful moments, the milling together with other mums in the same situation...all finished and I'm left feeling surprisingly flat. I worked out that of the 38 families, 25 of us were what the school calls 'farewell families' leaving primary after a sequential run of siblings so it was quite an intense week. There was less of the general joy that was there when my other two left - everything (even [...]

The end of term countdown begins

By |2014-07-22T19:39:36+01:00July 22nd, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , , , , |

So we're here, the last few days of our primary school years. There are so many leaving events that this is going to be a quick post but fear not, I'll be back with all the detail at the end of the week. Because he goes to a grammar school and they often have to go in on Saturdays, the eldest broke up ridiculously early 2 weeks ago. He has now established a firm routine of sleeping until midday when he [...]

School Disco Chic

By |2014-07-18T17:33:35+01:00July 18th, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , |

Wow this weather is crazy - Mediterranean weather last night (even here), mad wind, rain and thunder this morning. The forecast is so bad for the weekend that we've had to cancel our annual camping weekend with friends. We've braved it through so many years of flash floods, plagues of big black bugs, gales so strong that the tents have been flattened and even tents setting on fire that this year we've decided to do the sensible thing and just [...]

Midlifechic clothes, food, interiors and accessories – all in one post!!

By |2014-07-15T18:52:22+01:00July 15th, 2014|Categories: Interiors, Style|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The plan was that this was going to be the epitome of a hot, sunny post but it's all gone a bit wrong again thanks to our bizarre weather. If you're a regular reader you'll remember the post when I was feeling sad about our friends (J&R) who are moving. These are the friends who, for 10 years, have lived just around the corner and, even though they're moving to a village nearby, it won't be quite the same. R [...]

Black Tie Chic – what I wore for last night’s awards do

By |2014-07-11T19:21:48+01:00July 11th, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , , , |

Well as you know, last night we went to the HEIST education marketing awards. They are held in a different city each year and, conveniently for us, last night they were in Manchester at the very splendid Palace Hotel. As you can imagine, I started thinking about black tie chic when I knew we'd got through the elimination rounds in April. Like everyone I have various cocktail dresses that I've only worn a handful of times but with the slender [...]

Vintage chic – a dress that means so much to me

By |2014-07-11T19:19:14+01:00July 8th, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Today I'm going to show you the most beautiful piece of clothing I've ever worn and it's vintage chic. Our village school is a C of E school and each year the children have the choice to be confirmed. Along with lots of his school friends, the small one decided that he would take part and Sunday was his big day. It was a really lovely occasion and a good excuse to invite lots of great aunties and godparents, my [...]

Going out chic – what I wore for a relaxed night out

By |2014-07-04T19:06:57+01:00July 4th, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I know there's a heatwave in the South and if you're one of those people that is complaining about the heat I'm sticking my fingers in my ears because for the last few days it's been raining here - and it's cold - I'm wearing socks for goodness sake! As you know I've been feeling a bit shaky about the little one leaving primary school, the big one heading off to university interviews and all the change that is looming. [...]

A Wimbledon tennis party…and other outfits

By |2014-07-01T19:00:24+01:00July 1st, 2014|Categories: Style|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

It's very disconcerting but suddenly everything seems to be changing around us and I hate change. We are now on the final countdown to the smallest son leaving primary school which will be the end of 14 years of school runs, nativity plays, class assemblies, handmade mothers' day cards and things constructed from cereal boxes. I apologise in advance if you hear a lot about this transition over the next few weeks but have faith, there are 17 days and [...]

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